Artificial Intelligence & Information Privacy Compliance Consulting

Helping companies and schools navigate AI and privacy landscapes around the globe.

Tethics specializes in AI governance and data privacy compliance in the US and Europe. Founder, Dr. Timothy Furry, is a certified privacy professional (CIPP/US) and trained in AI Governance, both from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). He is also a certified Algorithm Ethics Expert from ForHumanity, as well as trained in their risk management framework. He also has over a decade of experience in secondary and higher education.


Gap Analysis

Whether it's preparing for legislation coming into effect or finding one’s state of compliance with existing regulation, Tethics gap analysis shows you where you stand and what you need to do to reach compliance. More specifically, we can help you prepare for the recent US AI executive order and the forthcoming EU AI Act.

Ethics Committee Member or Ethics Advisor

Our expertise and certifications make us perfect for an advisory role to boards or as a member of an ethics or algorithm ethics committee.

Pre-Audit Service & Conformity Assessments

Some systems legally require audits, and some should be audited to help protect users and the company. Moreoever, some jurisdictions (e.g. Europe) require new AI systems to undergo conformity assessments with the law before reaching the market. Tethics helps companies prepare for audits and assessments, so it’s as smooth and successful as possible.
