
Whether it's preparing for legislation coming into effect or finding one’s state of compliance with existing regulation, Tethics gap analysis shows you where you stand and what you need to do to reach compliance for your AI systems and/or data privacy. More specifically, we can help you prepare for the recent AI executive order and the forthcoming EU AI Act.

Gap Analysis

We work with your developers and designers to help build your system with compliance in mind, including what’s likely coming in the regulatory future. Compliance by design is more cost effective, lowers risk, and is easier to mangage over time. We have experience managing development projects, so we work effectively with your design and development team.

Compliance by Design Development

Pre-Audit Service & Conformity Assessment

Some systems legally require audits, and some should be audited to help protect users and the company. Moreoever, some jurisdictions (e.g. Europe) require new AI systems to undergo conformity assessments with the law before reaching the market. Tethics helps companies prepare for audits and assessments, so it’s as smooth and successful as possible.


If you need a service or expertise we don’t offer, we will help connect you with someone who can assist.

We offer auditing services depending on the case and need. If we don’t have the expertise you need, we will find you an auditor who does.


Ethics Committee Member/Ethics Advisor

Our expertise and certifications make us perfect for advisory roles to boards or as members of an ethics or algorithm ethics committee.

AI Policy in Education

We help draft your ethics policy according your business needs and values. Ethics policies help foster cohesion and clarity of vision for your employees. Good ethics policies engender efficiency and empower employees to make decisions because they know the policy, orientation, and values of the business and board.

Ethics Policy Drafting

Informed by your institution’s identity and values, we help schools move from being reactive to proactive regardig AI use and misuse. Specifically, we help formulate and enact effective AI policies, specifically around the use and misuse of AI in education.