Tethics, LLC was founded by Timothy Furry, PhD in 2023.

I earned my PhD in 2011 and have taught philosophy, ethics, and religious studies for nearly two decades, including a recent class in AI ethics. After seeing the rise of AI systems, as well as the increasing need for digital privacy, I decided to upskill and combine my previous expertise with knowledge in tech, training and earning certifications in information privacy and AI and algorithm ethics. (Certified Information Privacy Professional, CIPP/US, and AI Governance trained by the International Association of Privacy Professionals and a certified Algorithm Ethics Expert by ForHumanity with additional training in Risk Management and the EU AI Act). As an academic and educator across humanities and computer science disciplines, I learned the importance of rigorous, clear thought, along with effective communication. I pride myself in taking complex ideas and realities and making them understandable and actionable. My reports and analyses demonstrate my rigorous thought and clear communication, as well as expertise in regulatory matters and trajectories.

My experience in education also uniquely positions me to help schools navigate the benefits and perils of AI in an educational setting. More specifically, I’m passionate about helping schools formulate and enact policies regarding the use of AI by the school and students. From suspicion to enthusiastic support, reactions to AI within educational communities vary widely. Therefore, I strive to help schools and districts think clearly and articulate their values and policies regarding the use and misuse of AI within their institutions and help them make those policies effective.