Building AI Policies for Education

  • The Rationale

    Given, the wide variability of perspectives on AI in education, Tethics strives to help schools and districts move from reactive to proactive in responding to AI. Specifically, we help schools think clearly and articulate their values and policies regarding the use and misuse of AI within their institutions and help them make those policies effective.

  • Mission and Values

    The process begins with understanding your school or district’s mission and values and building policies around those pivotal school identity markers. Any AI policy must fit and be coherent with the institution’s dentity, mission, values and vision.

  • Stakeholder Input

    Without input from those whom the AI policies impact (e.g. administration, teachers, students, parents, etc) a new policy is likely to fail or remain a mere formality. Tethics helps schools build policy with stakeholder feedback and input.

  • Accountability

    Within the structure of the institution, AI policies need oversight with clearly articulated structures and processes for accountability. Tethics helps schools and districts find the best means for ensuring their AI polices are effective.